Low-cost broadband and phone tariffs

The Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport (DCMS) has published a new press release to confirm that they have been working together with internet service providers to deliver low-cost broadband and phone packages called social tariffs.
These new social tariffs offer discounted broadband and mobile deals for people on Universal Credit and other benefits. The new tariffs are being offered by a range of suppliers and the deals currently range from £10 - £25 per month. This can offer savings of up to 50% compared to the average cost of similar broadband packages.
If you or someone in your household claims Universal Credit, you could switch to any of the tariffs available. Some providers also include people on other benefits such as Pension Credit, Employment and Support Allowance, Jobseeker’s Allowance, and Income Support. The person receiving the benefit will need to be the main person on the contract.
If your current provider offers a social tariff, you can switch at any time free of charge. If your provider does not offer one of these tariffs you can switch to one that does. Your provider might let you leave your current contract without paying a penalty fee if you explain the reasons for the change.
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