Helping you Build on the Success of your Charity

Charity event

This free presentation is for all third sector organisations, their Board Members, Directors and teams.

Whether you are the chief executive, a trustee, board member or part of the senior management team, running a charitable organisation comes with a unique set of challenges. This event will look at how all teams within a charity can work together to benefit the organisation and those it serves.

Our panel of experienced speakers will leave you with:

  • A full understanding of the proposed code of governance for charities
  • A developed understanding of financial management and reporting for charities
  • How to avoid poor charity management
  • What good Corporate Governance looks like for a charity
  • What are the key responsibilities for trustees and CEOs
  • How to make more of the funds the charity holds

Speakers & Topics

Catriona Wheeler, Partner at Andrew & Co Solicitors

Catriona has over 20 years of experience advising Charities and their Trustees in matters ranging from registrations, mergers, incorporations, property acquisitions and disposals, contracts, church sharing agreements and corporate governance. She is a member of the Charity Law Association. Catriona’s presentation will touch on the roles and responsibilities of the charity whilst giving clarity on decision making of a Charity’s Board, Chairman and Executives and assistance with understanding their roles and duties.

Robert Anderson, Partner at Streets Chartered Accountants

Robert is a key member of the firm’s team who specialise in Charities and Not for Profit organisations. As the firm’s lead Partner on technical issues affecting this sector, he is a regular speaker on topics concerned with financial reporting, regularity and governance. Robert’s presentation will provide delegates, including trustees, board members and those responsible for financial management, with a topical update on areas of concern including risk management, fraud and financial reporting.

Ian Burrows, Head of Charities (Midlands) at Brewin Dolphin

Ian is Head of Charities for the Midlands region at Brewin Dolphin. A specialist Charity Investment Manager he has over 17 years’ experience in the industry, managing investments for a wide range of Charities helping them to generate income, preserve the capital value of their reserves or generate growth. Ian will look at models of how a charity can maximise future revenues from funds held within the charity and how this can strengthen the future of the charity and those it serves.

Event location


Laura Butler

01522 551200