Streets Post Budget Presentations Cancelled
In light of the Coronavirus (Covid-19) outbreak we have taken the difficult decision to cancel our post Budget presentations in Peterborough, Cambridge, Hull and Lincoln.
We have taken this decision after considering Government guidance, including that of Public Health England, along with our own organisation procedures. In the interest and wellbeing of our staff and the wider community, we believe that this is the correct and responsible approach to take.
In place of the presentations we will be producing and circulating a post Budget video. This will be presented by senior members of our Tax practice and will provide useful insight and advice around the announcements made. It will complement our post Budget e-newsletter, which will include a Budget summary.
If you have booked to attend one of our presentations you will automatically receive this information. All information will also be hosted on our website.
If you have not booked to attend a presentation and wish to receive the information, please email Sophie Smith at slgsmith@streetsweb.co.uk
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