The Big Chinese Takeaway 2 marks the Chinese New Year and is a celebration of business, education and cultural links with China.
2017 is the Year of the Rooster – the Rooster is the tenth of the twelve animals in the Chinese zodiac.
Those born in the year of the Rooster are deemed to be very observant, hardworking, resourceful, courageous and talented. Their lucky numbers are 5, 7 and 8 and their lucky colours are gold, brown and yellow.
This event is ideal for those who have established or are looking to establish links with China.
Our focus, building on the success of and interest in last year’s event, will be around the opportunities for businesses in terms of trade and investment to and from China in light of its thirteenth Five Year Plan. Taking a wider view this year we will look at the context and role of the Midlands Engine as part of the driver for growth, not only for Lincolnshire businesses in China, but also those from the wider economic area.
Our presentations aim to:
- Provide an insight into China’s thirteenth Five Year Plan and the opportunities it presents for businesses
- Highlight the challenges of trading with China and how to overcome them
- Showcase and share experiences from businesses operating in and trading with China
- Provide guidance on preparing to do business with China
- Highlight the support and assistance available to those looking to do business in China as well as those looking to develop existing business
- Provide delegates with an update on trade missions, initiatives and agreements between the Midlands Engine and China as well as between Lincolnshire and Hunan Province
We also hope that the event will help to further ties and collaboration between individuals, businesses and organisations with the common objective of furthering business with China.
Our speakers and presenters will include representatives from:
- Lincoln College Group
- Department for International Trade (DIT)
- China Britain Business Council (CBBC)
- Lincolnshire County Council
- James Dawson/Fenners Plc
- NatWest Bank
- Beauty Boulevard Ltd
The evening will conclude with an authentic Chinese buffet.
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