Banking & Finance services for clients - business funding options available

There are numerous reasons why many clients are using our Banking and Finance services. Our dedicated in-house team are easy to access, work with your accountants and are situated within Streets offices providing an expert knowledge in all areas of finance. Like your accountant they always have the client’s and their businesses’ best interests at heart.
Whatever your funding requirements are it pays to engage with experts to support you, who have access to whole of market to secure the right funding solution for your business needs.
Popular Funding areas that the team help with are:
Working Capital Loans
Working capital loans can be a lifeline for maintaining cash flow, supporting optional expenses and ensuring the smooth functioning of your business. It is important to determine precisely how much working capital you need and for what purpose, which may be to cover payroll, manage inventory and bridging gaps between receivables and payables. It is good to identify whether you need a short term solution to support your immediate needs or a longer term of finance to support larger projects or expansions.
Merchant Cards - for peace of mind a complimentary review is available
The rise of contactless payments, shopping carts online and mobile wallets is transforming how businesses handle transactions. Staying updated with these technologies is very important it can improve customer experience and operational efficiency and in most cases reduce your fees.
Foreign Exchange Strategy - For peace of mind a complimentary review is available
It is important to manage your foreign exchange risk and to consider all of the options available including exchange rates, transaction fees and also the reputation of the provider. For example, one buying option is forward contracts. Using this method to lock in exchange rates for future transactions can mitigate risks associated with currency fluctuations.
Asset Finance & Asset Re-Finance
Asset finance continues to be a critical component for businesses looking to leverage their existing assets or purchase new assets. Recently there has been a notable increase in the use of asset finance in the transport, technology and healthcare sectors driven by the need for advanced vehicles or equipment to keep up to date.
Invoice Finance
When selecting an invoice finance provider, it is vital to understand the impact of such things as prepayment percentage, concentration limits and crucially the fee structure to avoid hidden charges. Equally, if a business already has an invoice finance facility, it pays to review this regularly to ensure that the terms are competitive and that it aligns with your business financials, growth and future goals.
Property Finance
Whether it is development finance, buy to let mortgages, commercial owner occupied / investment mortgages or bridging loans, it is crucial to evaluate the terms and interest rates along with the repayment schedules to find the best fit for you. There are multiple lenders in this space but their appetite to lend varies significantly.
For support in any type of funding for your business or further information and a no obligation initial chat, please contact Martyn Shakespear, Head of Banking & Finance at or Tina Hayes, Associate Director, Banking & Finance at
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