The Customs Declaration Service

Businesses importing goods must submit import declarations from 1 October 2022 using the Customs Declaration Service (CDS). The CDS is a customs IT platform designed to modernise the process for completing customs declarations for businesses that import or export goods from and to the UK.
A phased launch of the service started in August 2018. The CDS is used for making import and export declarations when moving goods into and out of the UK.
The CHIEF system is being withdrawn in two stages. The first stage, 30 September 2022, saw the ability to make import declarations on CHIEF close. From 1 October 2022, businesses who did not move across to the CDS are now unable to import goods into the UK. The second stage will happen on 31 March 2023 when the CHIEF system will fully close. From this date, the ability to make export declarations using CHIEF will also be withdrawn.
Even businesses that use a customs agents need to ensure they take the following steps:
- subscribe to the CDS;
- choose a payment method;
- check their standing authorities are correctly set up; and
- give their customs agent customs clearance instructions.
HMRC’s Director of Programme and Operational Delivery for Borders and Trade said:
'Those concerned about moving across to the Customs Declaration Service should work with a customs agent who is ready to use the system and can make declarations on their behalf.'
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